I have a file index.html which is in the templates folder which i created here. I have another style.css file in the static folder which also i created here. I have a routes.py file which is not in any folder so i left it the same way here. Now here are my questions:
1.What should the app.run() method look like in my main() in my routes.py file? Should i leave it as app.run() or should i make it as app.run(host='') is it is on my computer?
- My python file creates an HTML document on my C:// drive in the templates folder and stores it on it. Here on pythonanywhere should i change it? On my system it creates a status.html file in the templates folder, the code looks like that : def browseLocal(webpageText, filename='C:\Python27\Programs\FlaskApp\templates\status.html'):
Should i change that to def browseLocal(webpageText, filename='/home/akshaybolakani25/mysite/templates/status.html'):
My error log says that "No Module named HTML" I have used HTML.py to create an html file, should i be uploading any files from that library on pythonanywhere?
Even though i changed the "from flask_app import app as application" to "from routes import app as application" in my akshaybolakani25_pythonanywhere_com_wsgi.py file it still gives me the error that "No module named flask_app" in the error log.
My app is relatively simple as it doesn't have any database. Can someone help me with how to host my flask app?