I'm not able to use Postico to see the postgresql database created within PythonAnywhere with the provided credentials (Address, Port, etc.). I would like to use a gui to control my postgresql DB. Please help,
I'm not able to use Postico to see the postgresql database created within PythonAnywhere with the provided credentials (Address, Port, etc.). I would like to use a gui to control my postgresql DB. Please help,
If you run pgadmin on your local machine, you can connect it to your PythonAnywhere Postgres instance.
On the "Properties" page of the server setup dialog:
Also, importantly, on the "SSH Tunnel" page
Sorry, I should have said -- I don't use Postico, but it looks like it has similar setup for using SSH Tunnels to connect, so perhaps you should try that first.
After I added the SSH information I was able to connect to the database using Postico! Thank you!