

I have recently come across an unexpected roadblock. The programs I am using for generating computer graphics objects on the server is running too slow. Looking at some of the issues with this kind of work it seems that there may be a way to speed it up by splitting the tasks to several parallel tasks. However reading some of the forum posts it seems that PA does not allow multi-processing, even though it seems there are multiple "workers" present.

My question is there anyway to get some kind of "parallel" processing on PA using a flask app or should I not bother in the current environment?

Please excuse the rudimentary nature of my questions. Coding after a long time and focus is more on the app than computer science right now.

You can't do multi-threaded stuff from web apps, but you can from consoles and in scheduled tasks. Perhaps you could code your graphics-generation stuff to work using them, and only access the finished results from the web app?

Giles that is what I want to do. I Will send an example.