
OSError: dlopen() failed to load a library: cairo / cairo-2

I'm using WeasyPrint in a web2py application to generate a PDF.

I have a test environment/account on PythonAnywhere and the application works fine. I've created a separate account (for a client) to host the production version.

I'm not using a virtualenv (I know I probably should) but as far as I can tell the two environments are identical with the same packages and dependencies for WeasyPrint installed in both user environments (using pip install --user ...).

I can also successfully run WeasyPrint in a console using:

$ weasyprint ./weasyprint-website.pdf

But when my application runs and tries to call WeasyPrint I get the following error:

OSError: dlopen() failed to load a library: cairo / cairo-2

Thanks in advance for any help!

That's very strange. Worth trying an uninstall + reinstall of weasyprint? Can you share a minimal repro, a few lines of python code that we can use to try and reproduce the problem?

It's failing inside the web2py application on this line:

from weasyprint import HTML, CSS

I can open a bash console and execute the same line without error: I can also run the weasyprint test succesfully using the command:

weasyprint ./weasyprint-website.pdf

Which accounts are you using? That is, what's the test one where it works, and what's the production one where it doesn't? And can I look at their respective files?

Thanks Giles ...

account mjbeller works

account maxcapgroup does not work

Yes - you can look at the files

I created a virtualenv and installed weasyprint there but I'm still getting same error.

I also confirmed that the weasyprint test works in the virtualenv

weasyprint ./weasyprint-website.pdf

Hmm, nothing obvious in the files.

Do you get the same error if you start a Python 2.7 console and try the import from there? It would be worth checking in both accounts.

the import works in a Python 2.7 console on both accounts

it works within the web2py app on mjbeller account

it fails with the dlopen() within the web2py app on maxcapgroup account

I created a virtualenv on maxcapgroup to isolate the environment but I continue to get the error.

Some more information ...

In the web2py app, the error occurs on

import weasyprint  (or 'from weasyprint import HTML, CSS')

and then within the

File "/home/maxcapgroup/.virtualenvs/mcg-prd/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cairocffi/", line 46, in <module>

cairo = dlopen(ffi, 'cairo', 'cairo-2')

I looked in the module and see that the error probably occurs on line 38:

lib = ffi.dlopen(path)

I'm unable to investigate further. Any thoughts?

Is the sys.path different during the request processing?

It's entirely likely that the sys.path is different between your console and the web app. I can see that the major difference between your 2 accounts is that maxcapgroup uses a virtualenv and mjbeller uses --user installs of weasyprint and the various cairo libraries. Also, the versions of the libraries in the two accounts are different. I think the first step would be to ensure that the various software versions are the same between the accounts.

I had initially created the two environments the same - with the same versions using just --user installs. I've subsequently tried various combinations of (1) upgrading weasyprint from 0.27 to 0.28 and (2) a virtualenv to isolate the problem - without success. I've since deactivated the virtualenv. I also compared the sys.path generated in the console with the sys.path generated by (following and only the web2py libraries themselves were different. I've also confirmed that both web2py versions are the same. I've also tried running web2py from the console using "python -S myapp -M" and was successfully able to "import weasyprint". I checked sys.path again using python console, running web2py in console, and running the in console. The only difference in the sys.path in the last two was /var/www/ (which does not contain any modules) and ipython modules (which were listed last).

Anything else I should try?


I still couldn't find the root cause of the problem but I reset the environment by deleting everything I had installed using 'pip uninstall'

I then just simply did a 'pip install --user weasyprint==0.27' and it works!

This still doesn't explain why I was experiencing different results in the webapp from the console but at least I can move forward.

That's excellent news. It is a bit of a mystery, though.