I've just reached the mvp point in my application - essentially, users can add there websites to it, currnelty, I have 18 - these are sites I have access to as part of my private beta, however, upon adding them, I've already accumulated 6+ million rows of data, each one (user website) will generate up to 5 thousand db rows per day.
Is mysql on PA ok to handle such data? It's essentually 1 table made up of about 8 columns. I'm not really concerned with writes to the database as this isn't going to effect the user, just as long as it updates their info every 24 hours.
I know this isn't much to go off, I don't know what info you might need. I've been testing on a mongodb but I don't want the hastle of rewriting things if it's not needed.
Happy to give more info etc, but ultimatly, will having 100's of millions of rows be a nightmare for me and my users when reading their data?