
slow script execution

python script that run on local machine (core2duo, archlinux) for few minutes from site's bash_console run for hour's :(

PythonAnywhere is a shared environment, so if lots of people are competing for resources, things will run more slowly. We also had a flood of traffic from HN on Friday so that may have been part of the cause.

@kerniexvid: What are the results of multiple runs?

@kerniexvid could we take a look at the code and see what's up? Do you know if it's CPU-, memory- network- or disk-bound?

Also, what time of day did the run that took hours occur? If running around midnight there is an issue of a legacy bottleneck due to 2359 being the default start time for daily scripts.

I have a couple of daily test scripts that do essentially nothing. One scheduled to start at 2359 will on occasion take thousands of seconds to complete, however the same script scheduled at another time never takes more than 6 seconds to run.

This whole issue was documented in this thread and corrective action was taken in mid September 2012...☺