
Can't figure out django-registration RegistrationForm

Browsing the Batteries Included ( I saw django-registration, which I'd love to configure and use. Unfortunately, I just can't figure it out. I'm new to all of this and have stumbled my way through everything without having to ask from anyone. This, however, I just can't get.

I'm sure this is entirely too basic, but the Batteries Included says the module is included as standard and just has to be imported. I tried, in my views: from registration import RegistrationForm

(and various variations) but had no luck. Can anyone walk me through using this on PythonAnywhere? The documentation I find online mostly references other set ups. Thanks.

I'm not really familiar with Django, but a brief Google turned up this page which might help. It appears that instead of importing it as a standed module you add it to an INSTALLED_APPS list in your Django application.

Actually, think that did the trick! Thank you so much! Some minor configuring to do from here, but it's significantly further along than I ever could have gotten it.

+1 for Cartroo...☺

Oh, and of course @EJuiceReviews: WELCOME to PA!!!

All this thought of juicing...I'm thirsty!!

Thanks! I'm so pleased with this, in general, that I'm looking forward to future apps and a paid account. Once I get the details hammered out.

Side note, e juices are various liquid tobaccos to use in a vaporizer. It's aided many of us in quitting smoking. To date, there hasn't been a centralized review of various vendors and flavors. That's brought me here, developing this app.

I appreciate the clarification. Although fortunately I don't smoke. Sounds like your site will be highly popular within the e juice community though!!

Which weirdly enough includes 75% of the PythonAnywhere developers.

@hansel: That makes me think we should have a monthly trivia game once we get live chat (or video) on PA...☺