Hi all,
I am probably asking for too much here without really having enough experience.
I have tinkered in HTML for a while and I am a Sysadmin by trade so I am fairly clued up with general IT. However, I have never looked into running Python webapps.
Can anyone point me in the right direction either with tips here or somewhere I could learn what I need to do.
I have a Python script on my PC (pokemon GO map) that when I call it from command line it starts a web server on localhost port 5000. I just access this from my webbrowser and I can port forward it to access it exteranlly if needed. Basically, the script talks to the webpage and refreshes it/updates the info it displays.
I want to upload the files onto my free PA account and run that same program with the webpage frontend. I have tried to create a web app but I'm not sure how I get my program to run and start the webserver (I think it's launching via flask but it is clashing with the webapps config).
I uploaded my python files and when I try to run the script from the bash console I get errors saying the host is in use etc (presumable because of the default Flask/Django webpage that is running on my webapp?).
Will this python program require some heavy editing to be able to get it running in a web app?
Thanks everyone!