
Run south in PythonAnywhere

Hi, My name is Lucas and I have a account in pythonanywhere that is synchronized with a GIT repository.

In my last sync I got a migration file from South (python plugin), but I cannot run this migration in my django app.

How can I do this?

What happens? Do you get some kind of error?

Well, I couldnot use South commands in bash.

For example, I need to run new migrations in my app, and to do this I need to change directory to my app's root folder. I did this change but when I run this command from bash:

"python migrate --auto"

I got python error.

So, my question is: how can I use South in this situation?

Hi Lucas, you're going to need to post the full traceback of the Python error that you are getting. That command should work fine. We run it all the time ourselves.