I had the same issue, because I used to host my site at harry.pythonanywhere.com, and then I moved to my own domain. I still wanted the old links to work. But, I definitely don't want to run two copies of the same source code. Apart from the hassles you mention, it's bad for your pagerank to run the same site on two domains. What you really want is redirects. So I built a small flask app that would just redirect everything to the new web app:
from flask import Flask, redirect
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
def redirect_any(path):
return redirect('http://www.tdd-django-tutorial.com/' + path)
Takes up almost none of the "allowed memory", and it's actually better than having the same site served at two domains.
Which is not to say we shouldn't split out web apps and domains one day...