
Run .bat file

I am really new to python and this service and so far, has done everything I need. At this point, I simply want to run a .bat file located in one of my directories. I have done some Googling, but couldn't find anything. I am not sure if this is possible, but if it is, then I would like to know how. Thanks for the help, -MandM635

You can't run .bat files in the linux operating system. That is a windows thing.

.bat files are used in a Windows command prompt, and date back to 'good old' DOS on PCs.

For PythonAnywhere, you probably want to think in terms of a shell script running in a PA Bash shell. Try Googling for something like 'bash shell script'.

If you think that the commands in your .bat file should actually work in PA's Unix-type environment, please copy/paste some of the .bat file here and people will tell you why it won't work (!).



Figured out another solution, thanks for the help!