
Reloading Web Files

I have a facebook app using python anywhere as the source. When I go directly to the facebook app, I get a "400 Bad Request: Missing signed_request" error. To fix this I have to come to, go to web, and click "reload." Is there anyway to fix this problem so every time I use the app I don't have to reload it from python anywhere? Thank you!

I've never tried writing a Facebook app, but this Stack Overflow question looks similar. It appears that signed_request is a field supplied in some sort of original POST and you need to save that in the session for use with future requests. At least that's my understanding of that answer given that I have no clue whatsoever how Facebook's app infrastructure works!

Anyway, hopefully it'll mean something to you.

EDIT: Also, I found this mention, which looks like it may be related to the problem you're having. So it appear that saving the field in the session is something specific to that Django extension - I'm not sure if you're using Django or not.