
Cannot clone my github repository

Hello. I am trying to clone my github repo with: $ git clone but I am unable to connect to git. got error: Failed to connect to proxy.server port 3128: Connection refused

After I just download zip from github and try to install django with pip on venv i get:

pip install djano

Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None)) after connection broken by 'ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', NewConnectionError('<pip._vendor.requests.packages.urllib3.connection.Verif iedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f4c42b65d30>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))': /simple/django/

Can you help me with this please? Regards

Got it too. try clone via git://repo. But be aware that you will be still unable to push to your own repo from here.

Sorry about that, there was a problem on the proxy that handles HTTP/HTTPS requests for free accounts around the time you posted these messages. It's all working again now.

Everything is good now. Thank you. :)

Excellent, thanks for confirming!

Excellent, thanks for confirming!

Does the problem still exists? I am trying to clone my git repository and it is giving me Proxy CONNECT aborted due to timeout error.


Does not work for me either. Actually no outgoing connection works, be it from python (using http/urllib libraries) or wget or lynx. The webapp I am trying to deploy needs to do some screen scraping and connect to the google API, From Python the error is "OSError: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable"

Works for me by using git protocol instead of https (e.g.: git:// instead of

thanks. I was able to clone my git repo using the git protocol instead of using https

Hi I am trying to use git pull and I am getting different messages: recv failure: Connection reset by peer Received HTTP code 503 from proxy after CONNECT

Is there still an issue?

Same here. Pip install giving "connection broken by 'ProxyError'". Git not responding either though.

Now I got "You've used up your daily CPU allowance of 100 seconds on PythonAnywhere today, so your processes have been put in a tarpit. This means that they will continue to run, but at a reduced priority. There's more about the PythonAnywhere tarpit here." in the mail.

When I saw the Tarpit message, I upgraded my membership and that was before I saw this topic. still experienced the same thing after my upgrade

Hi I am trying to use git pull and I am getting different messages: recv failure: Connection reset by peer Proxy CONNECT aborted due to timeout

Is there still an issue?

Hi I am trying to use git pull and I am getting different messages: recv failure: Connection reset by peer Proxy CONNECT aborted due to timeout

Is there still an issue?

pip install --user module-name is not working at all for me at the moment.

Getting the same 'ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', timeout('timed out',))' error. I'm guessing something unusual is going on right now?

pip install --user module-name is not working at all for me at the moment.

Getting the same 'ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', timeout('timed out',))' error. I'm guessing something unusual is going on right now?

Sorry about that! It seems like the proxy server for our free users is having some trouble. We are looking into a fix now.

update- this should be fixed now, please let us know if you are still having any problems!

Both pip install and git clone work here, thanks!

Both pip install and git clone work here, thanks!

Working now. Thanks for the quick fix! :)

thanks now working for me also