Hi hansel,
Thanks for getting back, yes, it is wsgi capable, and that part is documented in the roundup docs.
What I am doing is use paste to create a composite application embedding roundup in my site.
I have managed to get this working now as follows.
I create a module that will provide the application in wsgi_apps.py
from roundup.cgi.wsgi_handler import RequestDispatcher
roundup_app = RequestDispatcher('/home/barnsey/sites/helpdesk/')
def roundup_factory(global_config, **local_config):
return roundup_app
This needs to be in your PYTHONPATH
in my wsgi.py file I have
from paste.deploy import loadapp
application = loadapp('config:/home/barnsey/sites/test.ini')
and finally /home/barnsey/sites/test.ini
use = egg:Paste#urlmap
/ = home
/helpdesk = roundup
use = egg:Paste#static
document_root = %(here)s/www/output
paste.app_factory = wsgi_apps:roundup_factory
Using sqlite it seems happy, now to sort out postgresql, unfortunately the initialisation tool for roundup wants to create a database from scratch, and PAW wont have it...