
how to write a app on pythonanywhere?

i don't know how to write a "Hello World" on pythonanywhere.. always get error....

What kind of error do you get? Do you mind if I take a look at your code?


from bottle import *

@route('/') def i(): return "H1c7 World"

run(host='localhost', port=8080)

Don't use the run function, our apps are served via WSGI.

If you use the wizard on the Web tab, and choose, you'll get a basic app which will work. YOu can then play with it from there...

If I change the default bottle app to a different file from the file that is created, I get an import error on the new file. I still have

application = default_app()

in my new file and

from mynewmodule import application

in the *** file. Am I missing something here? Log shows the same exception every time:

2013-08-17 23:52:27,683 :Traceback (most recent call last): 2013-08-17 23:52:27,684 :ImportError: cannot import name application

Sounds like a path issue. Have you added your new module to the path so that it is importable? Have a look at the original bottle app and you will see that it includes some code to do that.