Not meaning to sound snarky, but "browser compliance" is a unicorn, a myth. For years, IE has been deliberately engineered to be non-compliant with all other major browsers, so as to leverage market dominance and encourage web developers to use microsoft-only code that doesn't run on other browsers. The reverse happened, thankfully, and if you search for "internet explorer javascript shiv" you'll see many, many examples of stuff-devs-had-to-do-to-support-IE-because-it-is-terrible.
Not meaning to rant; I'm just saying, if there's a problem with PythonAnywhere and IE, it's probably IE's fault. Can you install a better browser on Surface, like Firefox?
It's also possible that it's a hardware specific, or build-specific, problem. If you use the same version of IE on a desktop computer with a regular intel processor (not sure what hardware iss in a Surface), do you get the same problem?
It's also possible, though unlikely given the browser, that it's a cross-site security thing that your clipboard doesn't work in the console. Consoles in PA run in an iFrame, and browsers do lots of dark magic to try and prevent the many, many security problems with iFrames.