
Ranking a PA Project

Can anybody give feedback, if ranking PA projects works without limits? I wonder if I should separate a planned project into the python part at PA and the frontend part at one of my own webspace providers. There's something like 'bad neighborhood' at google, so if your site is sitting in the middle of bad acting sites (spam, malicious, anthing against their tos) it's likely you get your part aswell, without doing something bad. I don't know how many PA customers use it in a way, that google dislikes, but I can imagine, that quite a few use it for scraping or automated websites in general. Ah whatever, now that I think about it, I really should separete it. Thanks anyway :)

Hi ace,

Are you talking about getting a positive page rank? Yes of course you can do that using PythonAnywhere. Create a site with good content that gets lots of links... same as it ever was. I can conclusively say that PythonAnywhere is certainly no worse than any other shared hosting platform. And probably better than others. People who use our service to legitimately scrape data from the open web would in no way reflect badly on a site hosted here. The "bad neighbourhood" thing is about using shared hosting that has a very high number of scammy / spammy websites hosted there. We certainly do not have that problem.

You are confusing and conflating two activities (scraping other sites, and hosting spammy sites) that have no relation to each other.

(Can I suggest that you don't simply bold the 'do' word, as it can cause people to misunderstand)

I've updated Hansel's post to bold "do not" which I think is what he meant to do...

Here's an article which mentions "bad neighboorhood", and a tool to let you discover the domains on a given IP, and how many backlinks they have. Here's the report for our IP.

Apparently the thing to look out for is innocent-sounding domains with a suspiciously high number of backlinks. There's nothing like that on PythonAnywhere for the time being. Do compare us against other providers and let us know if you find out anything interesting...

That web2py sounds pretty suspicious to me...

[edited out, have to check my facts]

One of the things I want to try sooner or later is builing a complex array of markov chained content, interlinked etc and see, if, how and how long google ranks it. Of course it's all garbage text, but would these tests be forbidden on PA?

Nope, that would be absolutely fine.