Running a script that was able to run smoothly a month ago but now hit IO limit. What problem with PA?
IO limit exceeded!
Console closed.
It is just a very simple scrape a list of data script. No issue last time and now it has.
Running a script that was able to run smoothly a month ago but now hit IO limit. What problem with PA?
IO limit exceeded!
Console closed.
It is just a very simple scrape a list of data script. No issue last time and now it has.
Is it printing a lot of stuff? When a process prints a really large amount of stuff to a console, and keeps doing so for some time, it can seriously impact performance for other users who happen to be on the same console server. So we've implemented a restriction where consoles that start printing so much that they're causing problems for other users get closed.
To avoid this, just make your script print less.
why there is no information prior or after you implement this restriction instead I have to hit the error and then I ask in forum and then I am informed you have change the restriction. What else the new restriction form PA and where you list the restriction in your website? I am going to run production and do not want to fail because you change your rules from time to time. I think the way PA to place so many hidden restriction is really a bad move for current user who already implement all the script fr daily production.
Ok. Thanks for the feedback.
The mysterious IO Limit error is the one thing forcing me to look at other hosting companies.
I/O basically means that you are either reading or writing too much. What are you doing when you hit that error?
Essentially it happens when your script prints out a huge amount of stuff -- for example, if it gets into an infinite loop and keeps printing. If you change your script so that it doesn't print out so much, then you won't see it. In general, if you need to log lots of stuff from your script, it's best to do it to a file so that it doesn't disappear if the console server you're running on needs to be restarted. You can do that easily from a bash console -- for example:
$ python3.5 my_script > logfile.txt