I have a flask app with a url /documents for user to upload the documents. I am using boto to upload documents to my s3 account. I want to allow only .doc, .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif file types and file size greater than 10kb and not exceeding 2mb. I wanted both client side check and server side check.
For client side, I am using formvalidation.io library. I cannot check file size with this library but can check file types which works ok... On server side, I am trying to check the file extension and file size again as client side check can be bypassed easily.... . I can check the file extension from server side using :
app.config['ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS'] = ['pdf','jpg','jpeg','png','gif','doc','PDF','JPG','JPEG','PNG','GIF','DOC']
app.config['MAX_FILE_SIZE'] = 2000000
def check_file_extension(user_filename):
if '.' in user_filename.filename and user_filename.filename.split('.')[-1] in app.config['ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS']:
return True
return False
However, in order to check the file size, I would need to upload to temp s3 or temp location on server, get the file size and then copy it again to the appropriate folder on s3. I tried filestack but its a bit costly for s3 uploads.
Is there any other way to do this as this is a common scenario? Any suggestions please?