Thank you, enabling logging led me to understand that the logs were looking in the wrong place ./mysite/tmp/, not ./tmp as they do on my local machine, which led to me changing the following line :
from : oid = OpenID(app, os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp'))
to : oid = OpenID(app, os.path.join(basedir, 'mysite/tmp'))
This helped me remove all my errors, but OpenID is still not authenticating, my research led me to the following post...
Which indicates OpenID will not work through a free accounts. There is a possible answer here, but I do not understand how to implement this :
Anyway I will decide on how I will tackle this on Monday. Either I will remove authentication until the app is complete, or change to Oauth which I am less confident with.
Thank you for the prod in the right direction.