
Multiple running processes

Off the main dashboard, there is the 'Fetch Process List' button, upon viewing this there are 25 processes of the same program I have running. I've checked this after falling into the tarpit.

Is this normal or is it a mistake? My code is actually running multiple threads, 5 in total, and simply waits for data to be added to the database before processing - I mention this due to the connection between multiple processes running.

Screen shot here:

Hi there, as far as I know that display doesn't show individual threads so those are all real processes. Could it be that something is not cleaning up after itself properly?

Potentially, only if the threads are continuing after CTRL+C - I'll have a look into it

Also, it would be great if the processes had a tick box next to them so you could select the ones you don't want before killing - takes ages waiting for the page to reload

good suggestion! We're looking at reworking some of that code soon, so may be able to do something about it...