
can't install Python package

Hello I can't install Python package (

I downloaded it from github and put in a folder home> gamow

(full path to the files of this package : home > gamow > django-wysiwyg-redactor-master)

Console returns an error:

(env)11:42 ~ $ pip install --user django-wysiwyg-redactor

Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not visible in this virtualenv.

Storing complete log in /home/gamow/.pip/pip.log

(env)11:43 ~ $ pip install --user django-wysiwyg-redactor-master

Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not visible in this virtualenv.

Storing complete log in /home/gamow/.pip/pip.log

Where should I put the package to successfully install it.

Maybe I have a bug in other place.


Sorry for my English))

Like the error message says, you can't install using --user in a virtualenv. If you want to install into a virtualenv, remove the --user and if you want to install into your user environment, deactivate the virtualenv before doing the pip install with the --user.

Thanks for the answer.)) Please add this advice on the page

This information may also be useful to other people

That's a good point. I have updated the wiki.

Now I have another problem

I successfully installed additional python packages.

They are located in: home> gamow> env> lib> python2.7> site-patskages

but they did not join Django.

On the local PC, they work

Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "join" Django. Could you post any error messages that you're seeing?

it's my bad english))

I installed virtualenv

installed there Django

and 2 additional Django package:



(path: home> gamow> env> lib> python2.7> site-packages)

But these packages are not connected to the Django.

Django works without these packages.

In the log files are no errors.

P.S. on my local PC all works.

Are you sure you have it in your INSTALLED_APPS on both systems? Would you mind if I took a look at your files?

You may see my files

You may change them if necessary

(on ​​the local PC I have a copy of all the files - no problem)))

Thank you

You may look my files

You may change them if necessary

(on ​​the local PC I have a copy of all the files - no problem)))

Thank you

P.S. I sent you login and password for admin panel (Send feedback)

Thanks for that. So OK, I can see that you're not getting any errors and that the apps are in your INSTALLED_APPS.

But what's the actual problem? That is, what should be happening that isn't happening?

some screenshots - on my local computer packages work and do not work on hosting

example (for one package)

If I understand correctly, in order for your admin pages to use redactor you need to specify that they should use it in your Django app. For example, on the redactor homepage they give this sample code:

class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    formfield_overrides = {
            models.TextField: {'widget': AdminRedactorEditor},

However, in your for the school/post app, you don't have the formfield_overrides line, just a list_display.

Are you sure you're running exactly the same code on your local computer as you are on PythonAnywhere?