
Server error trying to send registration email

This is not production per se!

I am using django 1.5.4 under virtualenv; using django-simple-registration (I also got this using plain django-registration).

On my signup page, sending out the registration email I get an error: gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known.

I am sending the email through an email service that I subscribe to. The email is going to my personal email on that same service.

I am not knowledgeable about email servers and such. Can someone help?

Thanks, dc

How are you sending the email? SMTP? Some sort of web service? "Name or service not known" can mean a few things. The most common cause is that the DNS lookup failed or it could be the server isn't responding on the port you're trying to use.

To add to what Glenn's said, I would be quite surprised if this wasn't due a DNS lookup failure - either the hostname you're using has a mistake in it, or the DNS servers are having some sort of issue (I'd say the former is much more likely than the latter).

For reference, the "gai" of gaierror is short for getaddrinfo(), the function used for doing name lookups.