
Problem with Bash consoles at the moment?

Seems stuck reloading a Bash console?

@jgmdavies: Could you give a little more detail on what you mean by reloading a Bash console? Are you clicking one that is in your list on the Consoles Tab? Is it a particular one that won't work while others work fine? Are you doing something else to reload such as reloading the web page? What Browser/OS combination are you using? etc...

Thanks a2j.

If I click on the Bash console in my Dashboard it sticks on 'Loading console...'. Never had this before. Running Firefox + WinXP at the moment.

I've now killed it and started another Bash console, which is fine so far.


That's definitely odd. We did have a hiccup on one of the console servers earlier -- at around 3:30pm UCT -- but everything should be cleared up now. If you have a particular console that's consistently showing this problem, could you give me the URL? I can get the ID from that and track it down from there.

(As an aside, sharing the URL here is safe, only you, admins, and people you've explicitly shared it with will be able to see it.)

Thanks Giles - the new one I started is still running fine, so nothing to report at the mo! Jim

I still have console 52038 in working order!! I just created a new one for comparison and the number is 337619!

Both working fine, I hope?

Harry has console #7 still running, he's very protective of it :-)

Admittedly the single digits were long gone when my account was created.

On a similar note I'm pretty sure my account is pretty old. I bet ya'll have creation dates and/or a counter incremented as the user accounts are created. Of course not counting the snake accounts in a comparison of oldest active user account...☺

Yup, you're in the first 15% of accounts on the site :-)

There are quite a few people active on the site who joined earlier, but I don't think any of them post in the forums.

Good to know I'm almost special...☺