I cant access pa from my home network.
I am currently using a 3G phone connection.
Is my home IP banned or something.
I promise that i am not malicious.
I need to visit and make changes to my app tc.pythonanywhere.com.
Thanks in advance.
I cant access pa from my home network.
I am currently using a 3G phone connection.
Is my home IP banned or something.
I promise that i am not malicious.
I need to visit and make changes to my app tc.pythonanywhere.com.
Thanks in advance.
@tc: Could you provide more detail as to what makes you think you may be banned? Perhaps more on the differences you are seeing between 3G and home network. As well as what troubleshooting methods you have attempted?!?!?!?
We haven't blocked any IPs recently. What are the effects you are seeing?